
Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
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Bid Information

SDWP Wins the Bid for Lot 4 of Phase II Yintao Water Supply Supported by Urban and Rural Water Supply Engineering Construction in Gansu Province

On July 5th, Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co. Ltd. won the bid for Lot 4 of Phase II Yintao Water Supply Supported by Urban and Rural Water Supply Engineering Construction, the site of which is located in Jingning County in Gansu Province. The main works include one regulating reservoir, one length of water supply pipeline, three head tanks and three booster pump stations, etc.




Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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