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Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Technology Center successfully passed the evaluation of the municipal enterprise technology center


On October 18th, the Jining Economic Informationization Committee issued the Notice on the Announcement of the 17th Batch of Municipal Enterprise Technology Centers in Jining City and the Change and Revocation of the List of Some Municipal Enterprise Technology Centers [Ji Jing Xin Zi (2018) 270 No.], Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Technology R&D Center successfully passed the assessment of the municipal enterprise technology center and became the only water conservancy and hydropower construction enterprise in Jining City.

In recent years, Shuijian Group has actively implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, incorporated technological innovation into the company's “13th Five-Year” development plan, established the company's technology center, improved the technical center organization system, integrated talents and equipment resources, and invested in research and development year after year. Formed a stable cooperation mechanism for industry, university and research, and the company's technology research and development innovation has achieved remarkable results. Up to now, Shuijian Group has owned 1 invention patent, 13 utility model patents, 11 provincial and ministerial excellent quality management team QC results, and 3 technical innovation awards. Three patents have been declared this year.

The recognition of the municipal-level enterprise technology center is a full recognition of the water innovation group's technological innovation capability and the innovation achievements. The water construction group will continue to focus on the development strategy of “providing quality and efficiency, transformation and upgrading” of Shuifa Group and insist on independent development. And the research and development of industry-university-research cooperation, focusing on the improvement of innovation capabilities and the cultivation of high-quality scientific research personnel, providing strong technical support for the sustainable development of the group company.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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