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Liu Xiaojun the General Manager of Shuifa Water Construction Group Co., Ltd. Visits the 12th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps


In order to actively implement the work deployment of Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to support the development of Xinjiang, Liu Xiaojun, the deputy Party secretary and general manager of Shuifa Water Construction Group Co., Ltd. (SWCG) visited the 12th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), and investigated the construction of Wuchang new area, afforestation in barren hills, flower town and other projects from September 2nd to 4th.

On the morning of September 4th, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between SWCG and the 12th Division of XPCC was held in Urumqi.

Zhang Chengwei, the deputy Party secretary and deputy political commissar of the 12th Division of XPCC, Lyu Xiaoyun, the standing committee member of CPC Committee and deputy commander of the 12th Division of XPCC, responsible persons of development and reform commission, state-owned assets supervision and administration commission, finance bureau, commerce bureau, merchants bureau, tourism bureau, land and resources bureau, construction bureau, etc., Liu Xiaojun, the deputy Party secretary and general manager of SWCG, Gao Guanbing, the general manager of the Comprehensive Business Department of the Group, Wang Jiaping, the deputy general manager of the Investment Department of the Group, Jia Baoli, the board chairman and general manager of SDWP, Dou Lianhui, the deputy general manager of SDWP, Yang Jiancun, the deputy party secretary and board chairman of Xinjiang Yaxin Culture Tourism Group Co., Ltd., Wang Xiaoping, the general manager of Xinjiang Yaxin Culture Tourism Group Co., Ltd., and other leaders attended the signing ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, Zhang Chengwei, the deputy Party secretary and deputy political commissar of the 12th Division of XPCC, highly praised the signing. He pointed out that this signing is of great significance and plays an important role in promoting the economic development of both sides. It is sincerely expected that SWCG can take this signing as an opportunity and develop extensive cooperation in multiple fields at a deep level and in all areas based on the principles of promoting mutual complementarities of advantages and seeking common development to establish a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship and join together to strive to achieve the goal of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes for all.

Liu Xiaojun, the general manager of SWCG, said in his speech that the 12th Division of XPCC is the main place for Shandong Province to carry out the East-West Assistance Work to support the development of Xinjiang. SWCG will actively implement the work deployment of Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to support the development of Xinjiang and fulfill its responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise to carry out the assistance to Xinjiang in the aspects of industry and projects. It is expected that both parties better implement the national economic development strategy on the basis of the previous friendly cooperation, fully support the development of the western region, actively mobilize the advantageous resources of both parties and carry out comprehensive cooperation in line with the principles of equal cooperation, complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development.

At the ceremony, General Manager Liu Xiaojun signed the strategic cooperation agreement with the 12th Division of XPCC on behalf of SWCG. Board Chairman Jia Baoli signed the strategic cooperation agreement with Xinjiang Yaxin Culture Tourism Group Co., Ltd. for and on behalf of SDWP. The two parties will carry out all-round cooperation in the fields of water supply, cultural tourism, health care, real estate, rural complex and the construction of urban supporting infrastructure in the new district of the Division.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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