
Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
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Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. Holds Working Meeting for the 1st Quarter


On August 6th, Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. held the summary meeting of the half-year work in 2018. The Group’s leadership and cadres above middle-level attended the meeting.

At the meeting, each subsidiary (branch) company and each department of the Group reported their performances achieved and the questions showed in the first half of 2018, and the arrangement of the key works for the second half of the year. Generally speaking, in the first half of 2018, the company's state of operation has increased significantly compared with the same period last year, the management level has been further improved, the diversification layout has taken shape, the overseas territory has seen its initial scale, and the construction of honesty in the Party conducts and corporate culture have been effectively promoted. Jia Baoli, the Party Committee Secretary and Board Chairman of SDWP, fully affirmed the work development in the first half of 2018, and emphatically pointed out the problems and deficiencies in the company's talent team construction, project progress, as well as the staff's thought, work attitude and work style. It is hoped that all departments and companies can effectively avoid and improve in the future work.

While deploying the works for the second half of the year, Jia Baoli stressed that the urgency of accelerating development should be fully recognized. Second, the operation and management, the "leading role", should always be seized well. Third, we should pay close attention to the refinement management of the project. Fourth, foreign project implementation and risk prevention and control should be done well. Fifth, we should expand channels and recruit talents. Sixth, we should open up a new situation of housing construction business and promote the multi-development of highways and transportation. Seventh, we must strictly carry out Construction of the party and the construction of honesty in the Party conducts. Halfway through the year of 2018, the task of the second half remains arduous, the Group will keep firm confidence, and continue to maintain the passion for entrepreneurship, down to earth and open a new chapter of development.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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