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Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. Organizes and Holds Working Meeting for the 1st Quarter


On April 24th, the working meeting of Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. for the 1st quarter of 2018 was successfully held in the Group’s headquarters. The Group’s leadership, cadres above middle-level and main managerial personnel of subsidiary (branch) companies attended the meeting, which was chaired by Deputy General Manager Xue Dong.

Firstly, each subsidiary (branch) company and each department of the Group reported their performances achieved and the questions showed in the1st quarter, and the arrangement of the key works for the next phase. Jia Baoli, the Party Committee Secretary and Board Chairman of SDWP, fully affirmed the work development in the1st quarter and made the closing remarks.

Jia Baoli pointed out that all departments and subsidiaries (branch) of the Group Company should strictly implement the following works. First, we shall grasp the strategic development opportunity and make clear the developing direction from beginning to end. With the addition of various qualifications and the steady progress of M&A, a diversified group has been formed initially, and we are making effort to build our group towards "comprehensive" direction. The application for special qualifications continues and the municipal technical center has been declared. Second, we shall seize market transformation and accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading. We shall achieve high profit growth by vigorously developing proprietary market. Though it is difficult, we shall dare to "gnaw at a hard bone" to win the bid for more proprietary projects. The international market momentum is desirable, which is also the bright spot of SDWP. We shall make use of the international business to enhance the company's brand image and market influence and we make transition to investment projects. Each company should pay attention to the prevention of financial risks for each company has already embarked on investment projects. Third, we shall improve the quality and efficiency of the enterprise and promote the high-quality development of enterprises. We shall take the issued broken down task indicators as the basis of the year-end assessment, find insufficiencies, make up for shortcomings, and make improvement by investigation and study, so as to do a good job of "target management" and "benchmarking management". We shall step forward in the informatization construction, and accelerate the management process of the informatization for the projects on the basis of the NC financial management system and OA office system. Fourth, we shall follow the national development trend firmly, comply with the trend, recognize the situation, grasp the macro-economic situation accurately, so that we may have a clear cognition of the national economic structure and the adjustment direction of the industrial structure, and seek new economic growth points. Further, we shall consider the projects with large scale and high profits firstly in terms of water conservancy projects.

At the meeting, Jia Baoli issued a directive of the following key works from five aspects. He stressed that the construction of honesty in the Party conducts, the discipline inspection and supervision work should constantly be on the grasp, the supervision of auditing inspections should be strengthened, and construction of the team itself should be enhanced so as to form the "leading goose effect" and set an example for ordinary staffs. The 370 projects under construction cover a broad area and are very complicated. Among them, some are the key projects of the government, and some are the projects with high quality engineering technical requirements, such as hydraulic structures and pipe network. We shall focus on the prevention of "safety, quality and funding" risks, resolutely ensure that no accident will occur; we shall regarding the wide range of "learning, research and improvement" as the instrumentality and find the underlying causes in system, mechanism and the ideological construction to solve the factors which restrict the development of the Company, and make progress in comprehensively promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency. In order to strengthen the cadre team construction to build a vibrant, progressive and highly efficient team, we can improve the qualities and abilities of the cadre team through standard learning and training and exchanging, and make effort to attract talents and make good use of talents at the same time. We shall make solid progress in the construction of key projects to enhance the management and control strength of key projects, and thus ensure proper supervising inspections.

We shall take the global vision and forward-looking strategic vision to treat the enterprise’s development. We shall face difficulties with the courage of cutting paths through the mountains and building bridges across the rivers, seizing every minute to work hard with full of fighting spirit. It is believed that SDWP must achieve high-quality and leap-forward development under the care of superior leadership and the efforts of all the staffs.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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