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Wueliangwan Reservoir Project in Shanxian County Successfully Passed Contract Completion Acceptance Inspection

On June 26th 2016, the Wueliangwan Reservoir Project in Shanxian County undertaken by Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. successfully passed contract completion acceptance inspection.

This acceptance inspection was held by Shanxian County Juanzhiyuan Water Affairs Development Co., Ltd. The acceptance teem carefully examined the construction site of Wueliangwan Reservoir in Shanxian County, watched engineering aerial photography and video data, listened to the work reports from project entity, supervising unit, construction unit, design unit, detection unit, and metal and electrical manufacturers, and referred to the documents and relevant archives of completion acceptance. The team assumed that the Wueliangwan Reservoir in Shanxian County had been totally completed in accordance with the design; the quality of works were satisfactory; there was no accident due to poor quality or safety during the construction; the works had satisfied the criteria of completion acceptance, so they agreed the Wueliangwan Reservoir Project in Shanxian County has passed the complete acceptance.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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