
Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
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Litong Capital Hong Kong Company visited Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd.


On January 19, Chen Biao, general manager of Litong Capital Hong Kong, visited Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. for inspection and exchange of work experience. General Manager Jia Baoli, Party Secretary Yang Bo and members of the team attended the meeting and exchanged views with Chen Biao and his entourage.

Jiabao Li, general manager of Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd., welcomed the arrival of Chen Biao and his entourage and then introduced the basic situation and market conditions of the company. Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. owns the first-class qualification of general contractor for water conservancy and hydropower projects and landscaping, Housing construction, steel structure, municipal administration, bridges, mechanical and electrical engineering and other construction qualifications. Now the company has operations all over the country and has successfully opened up markets in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America.

Jia Baoli said that after 60 years of development, Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co., Ltd. has accumulated rich experience in construction management, strong technical force in equipment and completed hundreds of medium and large-scale water conservancy projects both at home and abroad, and Litong Capital has a strong financing capability And rich overseas experience, I hope both sides can strengthen cooperation and achieve win-win situation.

During the meeting, both parties agreed on the initial cooperation intention for the project of Gong Hai hydropower station in Myanmar. Litong Capital Hong Kong Company will be responsible for the financing work. Shandong Water Resources Construction Group Co., Ltd. will organize the design and construction and jointly construct the project.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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