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Gushi County's "Yin Nian Ru Gu" drinking water project was successfully tested


?On January 18th, as the last sluice of the water purification plant was slowly opened, the drinking water project of Gushi County's "Yin Nian Ru Gu" was successfully opened, which marked that after two years of hard work by the project department, the people of Gushi County were eager to drink. The dream of high-quality water is about to become a reality.
In January 2018, the project of "Yin Nian Ru Gu" drinking water in Gushi County started. At present, 56.9 kilometers have been completely penetrated. The construction of 1 pressure forepool, 165 valve wells, and 303 town piers has been completed; more than 550 personnel and machinery More than 100 sets of equipment.
The project traverses 12 different types of pipe jacking constructions, totaling 1,700 meters; 3 tunnels, totaling 386 meters; crossing 2 expressways, 1 railway bridge, 3 national and provincial highways, and 3 important water conservancy facilities; crossing multiple rivers.There are a total of more than 70 buildings such as roads and riverss, passing through 5 townships (offices), 1 industrial cluster, 35 administrative villages along the mall and Gushi counties. The terrain here is up and down, and the area is full of pits and ponds, making construction difficult , Solved various construction problems such as mountain foundation treatment, tunnels, pipe jacking, fish ponds, etc. Among them, the "Nianyushan Tunnel QC" team won the Class II results of the Excellent Quality Team of China Water Conservancy Engineering Association. The project department has overcome many difficulties, and the project successfully tested water on January 18, 2020.
After the project is officially put into operation, it will fundamentally improve the problem of safe drinking water for one million people in the urban area of Gushi County and nearly 100,000 people in surrounding towns and towns. This will help improve the city's water supply guarantee capacity, improve the quality of drinking water safety, and promote the county's poverty alleviation. Improving the basic living conditions of the masses is of great significance.



Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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