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Four technological innovation projects of Shandong Water Construction Group are included in the fourth batch of Shandong enterprise technological innovation projects


?On January 16, the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued the fourth batch of technical innovation project plans in Shandong Province in 2019. Shandong Water Construction Group's real-time monitoring system for mixing pile construction based on the Internet of Things, and high-efficiency detection technology for pressure water pipeline leakage , High-strength continuous underground impervious wall, water conservancy engineering composite geomembrane anti-seepage technology and other 4 industrial and information system technology innovation projects successfully passed the project review and were approved as the fourth batch of Shandong enterprise technology innovation projects in 2019.
??? The Shandong Province Technology Innovation Project Plan is one of the main plans of the Shandong Province Science and Technology Plan. It is of great significance to further promote the improvement of quality and efficiency, transformation and upgrading of enterprises in our province, and to accelerate the technological innovation of enterprises. In recent years, Shandong Water Construction Group has implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, and enhanced the core driving force for high-quality development by increasing technological investment and technological innovation, and the enterprise's scientific and technological innovation work has achieved good results. In the process of applying for this technological innovation project, the Technology R&D Department combined with the actual situation of the company and jointly screened R&D topics with the 4 subsidiaries and branches of Water Construction Group, aiming to further accelerate the development of new technologies, new processes, and new materials, and promote enterprise technological innovation .

??? After the provincial technological innovation project is approved, the project leader of each project undertaking subsidiary company will strengthen the project implementation management according to the schedule plan, and do a good job of recording activity data and collecting research and development expenses. The Technology R&D Department will review the project implementation progress on schedule, organize project scheduling on a regular basis, and ensure that the project is completed on schedule and successfully completed and accepted.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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