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Shuifa construction group co., LTD. hold the operation and production analysis and dispatching meeting from January to September 2019


On the morning of October 9, the Secretary of the Party Committee and the Chairman of SDWP, accompanied by Yang Qingyun, the General Manager of the International Company, conducted a "Don't forget the first heart, keep in mind the mission" survey to the Project Department of the Gandharbpur Intake project Department of Bangladesh to understand the progress of the project construction and visit the employees of the project construction.

The water intake project of the Gandharbpur water plant constructed by the international company is the first European standard project of SDWP, the construction difficulty is large, the safety risk is high, and the construction period of the project is short. Since the project has been on in April 2019, it has overcome many challenges such as multiple typhoon, large water level fluctuation and high construction standard, and carried out all kinds of work in an orderly manner, and the current work is stable and orderly, and the overall control is overall.

Chairman Jia Baoli inspected the construction situation of the project site mixing station foundation backfill, temporary wharf concrete pouring, water intake blow filling and other projects, listened in detail work report and the next step, gave the full affirmation to the project department work since entering the field. He pointed out that the project department should give full play to the fine tradition of water construction, make further efforts to further enhance the "satisfaction" of the owners, and further strengthen the Bangladesh market with good reputation.

The project department said that it will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of water construction, lead all the staff of the project department, strictly in accordance with the requirements of SDWP, strengthen project management in an all-round way, ensure safety, quality, civilized construction, establish a good reputation for the company, create more benefits for the company, and help Belt and Road Initiative develop and build.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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