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Inspection in Bangladesh DESWSP project department of Yang Qingyun, General manager of SDWP international company


On September 24, Yang Qingyun, General Manager of SDWP International Company inspected Dhaka Water Supply Project in Bangladesh, accompanied by Yang Jindong, Deputy General Manager of the International Company, Liu Shicheng, Technical Advisor, Sun Jiamin, the Project Manager and Yosef, the Project Manager of Bangladesh party.

On the morning of the same day, Yang Qingyun and inspection group successively went to the temporary road and bridge filling, mixing station foundation pouring, temporary wharf pile driving and other construction sites to check the progress of the project, listened to the project production report, and carried out a comprehensive understanding of the general situation of the project, construction progress, planned implementation, safe environment, healthy environment, party building work, and other aspects. And He discussed and communicated with the participants on the practical problems and countermeasures taken by the project at present. Subsequently, Yang Qingyun made a comprehensive evaluation of the project department from the aspects of quality, safety, progress, commerce and so on, and affirmed the efforts made by the project department to successfully complete the milestone goals. And to the project. "One is to strengthen the construction organization and management, accelerate the construction progress, and strive to complete the construction tasks ahead of time, and the second is to strengthen the communication and report with the owner, the design and the local parties, and ensure the smooth information; the third is that the members of the Project Department shall strengthen the study," To improve the overall quality and to take up the task of developing overseas projects.

Yang Qingyun said that the Project Department should pay more attention to the construction of safety and civilization while making the production work, to use the project as the benchmark, to show the professional ability of The SDWP, to build the brand image of The SDWP in overseas, and to make a perfect answer to the people of Bangladesh. It also made a greater contribution to the promotion of the company's follow-up to the overseas market.


Copyright  Shandong Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd
Add:No. Ten East Road, 33399 Shuifa tower, Ji'nan (The intersection of ten East Road and Tang Ye Xi Road)    Tel:+86 0531 80876106    E-mail:[email protected]
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